Penfolds Evermore France Grant Round 2025 (in English)

This is a preview of the Penfolds Evermore France 2025 form. You will be able to start a submission when the round opens at 1:00AM 10 February 2025 (CET)

Applicant Details

* indicates a required field.

Before you start

Please make sure that you have read the following before starting your submission:

You must confirm that you meet eligibility criteria before completing your applications. Eligibility criteria include:

  • Applications may be submitted by individuals aged 18 years or over, businesses, community organisations and not-for-profits and educational and research institutions. Applicants do not have to be incorporated but if incorporated, relevant details must be provided
  • Applicants must be primarily based in France but do not have to be solely based in France.
  • Applicants cannot be current employees or directors of Penfolds Wines or Treasury Wine Estates
  • Applicants cannot be political parties, lobby groups or Government bodies (with the exception of educational or research organisations)
  • Proposed initiatives must not involve political lobbying, illegal activities, high-risk activities or anything that may have overt appeal to minors (under 18s)
  • The proposed initiative or project must be carried out in France.
The applicant and proposed project meet the eligibility criteria * Required

Applicant details

Individual applicant details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant" on page 1

Town, city, postcode and country are required
Must be a French phone number
Must be an email address. 
Must be a URL. 
Please provide links to any public-facing social media accounts

Primary Contact for Application (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant" on page 1

Contact Name * Required
Please provide details of the person that we should contact in relation to this application. If you are applying individually, these details will be that same as those provided in Section 2.
If you are applying as an individual you do not need to complete this question

Organisation details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant" on page 1

Town, city, postcode and country are required
Must be a French phone number
Must be a URL. 
Please provide links to your orgasation's social media accounts

Partner details